Wednesday 9 November 2016

Thursday highlights

We love singing in the morning when we start our day at school. At the moment our favourite songs are, 'Have a good day', 'Oh Mr Sun', 'You are my Sunshine', and 'School is Number One'.

For our writing inspiration this morning, we watched a short video of the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We wrote a great story together, then went off to write our own stories. Dinarah has started another really great story!

After lunch we listened to the story, 'Grandad's Medals'. We have been learning a little bit about the world wars from stories this week because Friday is Armistice Day and our teacher wants us to know why it is an important day.

We tried to make some pois today. First we had to plait the handles but that was really tricky. It was a bit easier to squish the stuffing inside a piece of plastic. Our teacher had to finish the job for us. Now we will use the poi when we are singing some Maori songs.

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