
News from Room 11 - Term 4, Weeks 9 - 10

Kia ora koutou!
The term is quickly coming to a close. We will be wrapping up our units of work and doing the last Reading and Math assessments this week.

School readers
If your child has any readers (little books for reading practice) at home, please return them to school this week.

Image result for shared lunch clipartShared Lunch 
Room 11 will have a shared lunch on Wednesday 14 December, to celebrate the end of the year. To ensure we have a variety of food would girls please bring fruit or sweets, and boys, savouries or snack foods.

Image result for last day of school

Please note: 
The last day of school for the year will be Thursday 15 December. School will finish early that day, at 1pm. Please make arrangements to collect your child/ren at the earlier time.

Junior Prizegiving 
The Junior Prizegiving ceremony will be held on the morning of Thursday 8 December. During the ceremony, four special awards will be presented to Room 11 students. Family members are welcome to attend this special assembly. Look for further details in the school newsletter.

Image result for swimming clipartParakai Trip 
Thank you to the parents who have sent permission slips and payment for the Parakai trip on Friday 9 December. Thank you too, to the parents who have volunteered to help supervise children at the pools. We appreciate your support.

Room 11 students will have the opportunity to swim at school on Tuesdays during Term 4. Swimming is part of the school curriculum so it is expected that all students participate in this learning activity. Each child will need: a named swimsuit and towel, and a swimming bag. Please send a note back to school if you child is unable to swim.

Image result for blue sunhat

Be Sun-smart!
To be sun-smart, all students are required to wear sunhats when outdoors in Term 4. Please make sure your child has their named hat at school each day. Those without a hat will need to play under in a shaded spot.

Kiwi Can
Kiwi Can has finished for the year but will resume in 2017.

If you have questions or concerns, please get in touch.

Kind regards,
Kirsten Bland
Room 11 Teacher

Dates to Remember 

Week 9 (5 - 9 December)

Monday 5 November

Tuesday 6 November
  - Swimming
Wednesday 7 November
  - Reports go home
Thursday 8 December
  - Junior School Prizegiving 9:30am - 11am

Friday 9 December
 - Parakai trip

Week 10 (12 - 15 December)

Monday 12 November

Tuesday 13 November
  - Swimming
Wednesday 14 November
  - Room 11's Shared lunch
Thursday 15 December
(last day of school)
  - School Assembly
  - School finishes at 1pm

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