Tuesday 13 December 2016

Last day together

At our final school assembly for the year we farewelled our Year 8 friends who are going off to various local high schools. 

There was also a farewell for Miss Lee, Marti, Miss Bland and Joshua.

Room 6c sang some lovely Christmas songs and wished us a 'Happy Maori Christmas!'

We played a fun game using pompons and straws. We tried to get the pompom into our goal!

Lucky us! We had morning tea in the fale!

We played 'Jingle Bells' with real bells. 

We all received a certificate at our class prizegiving. 

Mr V from Kiwi Can brought a special surprise for Malaga! Her name was drawn as the superstar listener at Kiwi Can for this term! Congratulations Malaga!

Our final bit of fun was some bubbles play. 

We have had a busy year and have learnt a lot together, but now it is time for a summer break!

We want to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.

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