Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Thursday highlights

Today when we finished our reading tasks we went outside with some chalk and practiced writing words on the ground! Some of us even wrote stories on the ground!

We had an earthquake drill today. We had to quickly find a table to hide under and cover our heads. 

We worked on our cupcake boxes today too. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Wednesday Highlights

For Math we were learning how to collect data in an investigation. We rolled a die and recorded each outcome as a tally. 

During Music we made our own little guitars using boxes and rubber bands. The rubber bands produced different pitches sounds depending on how tight it was pulled. 

Tuesday Highlights

Room 11 sang a song at the Helper's morning tea. We were shy to look at our audience but we still sang with confidence. 

This week we are writing a story about a giraffe who climbed a tree! We really had to use our imagination to think about why he did that and what would happen to him next! Here is an illustration of the giraffe from Grace's writing book. 

This week Maima, Malaga and Dinarah have shown loads of improvement because they now can get in the pool with confidence and can use the pool noodles to help them float!

Well done girls!

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Friday Highlights

At Kiwi Can we learnt that we should respect all people even if they look different to us. We also played a memory game. We were encouraged to say positive, caring things to each other during the game, like, "Nice try!"

We helped Ms A make a card for our Kiwi Can sponsors. 

Our super star of the day was...

The best poem illustrations of the day were... 

We played 'Doggy, doggy, who's got the bone.' It's a good team- game!

We spent some time on our circle weaving. Hopefully we can get them all finished next week. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


At assembly today, Room 11 performed 'The Three Pigs Rap' and sang 'One Man Band'. 

Photos by Miss Lee

Maxima and Talepita did a fine job announcing each segment. 

Our three friends who received certificates were...

Well done to our friends who got a placing in their running races yesterday. They were awarded their medals today!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Athletics Day

Athletics Day was great fun! The whole school met on the field and we watched all the year levels run their races. The Year 1 races were first! We ran 50m. Many children from Room 11 ran fast in their heats and were chosen to run in the final!

As a special treat we ate morning tea and lunch in the fale with Room 10 and some parents. 

After morning tea we played some fun games together. 

The Year 1 girls final...

Here are the place-getters. 

The Year 1 boy's final...

Our boys came 2nd and 3rd! (First place went to a boy from Room 6b.)

We had a relaxing afternoon either watching a video or colouring pictures. 

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Friday Highlights

At Kiwi Can we learnt that it is important to be patient. It is safer and more polite to wait for our turn. 

We made a graph to show how many letters are in our names. 

Five children have eight letters in their name. The least number of children have seven letters in their name. 

We have joined GoNoodle, an educational web-based programme that encourages us to be active. The more we work the bigger our icon grows!

We illustrated our poem of the week. Two of the best illustrations are below:

Some of us finished our circle weaving s today. 

Sign song what makes you beautiful

We loved watching this song today and trying to following the signing.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Testing ideas

During Technology class we deconstructed a cardboard box so we could learn how it is made. We tried to make our own box using the ideas we saw from the cardboard box. 

It was hard to make a box the right size but one of us managed to make a great one. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Pretend cupcakes

We made some pretent cupcakes so that we can test out our cupcake bags and boxes. We had a think about what materials would be needed to make the paper bags and boxes that we made last week better. 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Monday highlights

Ali's baby brother visited us and we were excited to meet him. 

We learned that the Maori word, 'rere' means to fly. We made our poi fly high, low, and in front of us. 

We played our shakers fast and slow.