Monday, 5 September 2016

Using the Internet to learn

During Inquiry time we used the Internet to help us find the answers to some of our questions about Brazil. 

Some of us are very curious about jaguars and what they eat. We found some video about jaguars. We saw a jaguar catch a big crocodile and carry it away for dinner. We also learnt that jaguars can swim, and that sometimes crocodiles attack jaguars. 

Ofeyliah wanted to know how Christ the Redeemer was made, so we found some photos on the Internet showing how it was built on top of the hill. There was a lot of scaffolding around the statue as it was constructed. One website said that all the materials for the statue were taken up the mountain by train. 

When we had some free time, one of our friends built a Jesus statue from Duplo!

Photo by Tetahi

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