Monday 19 September 2016

Brazil is Calling You - Visit Brazil (Tourism Comercial)

After watching this video about the uniqueness of Brazil, we wrote about why you should visit!  Here are some of our pieces of writing...

I think you should visit Brazil. First of all you can see macaws. (Kalo)

I think we should go visit Brazil to see the animals. (Dinarah)

I think you should visit Brazil. First of all there are butterflies. Secondly there are beaches. (Claryssa)

I think we should go to Brazil to see beautiful beaches. (Lucas)

I think we should go to Brazil. First of all I love the beach. Secondly I love the animals. Finally I love the Jesus statue. That is why we should go to Brazil. (Cing)

I think we should go visit Brazil because we can see the rainforest. (Teki)

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