Monday, 31 October 2016

Water safety

We went to the pool today. It's quite deep so we must wear life jackets to stay afloat. It is really important that we are confident in the water so we will learn how to use floatations devices to help us. 

Sunday, 30 October 2016


Today we learnt that the harakeke (flax) plant symbolizes the family. 

The little leaves in the middle represent the children while the next leaves represent the parents and grandparents. 

Can you tell how many children are in Tai's whanau?

How many people are in Grace's whanau?

Friday, 28 October 2016

Friday highlights

Last Friday we watched a rehearsal for the fiafia night. 

We illustrated our poem of the week. We loved Lucas' effort. 

We also finished illustrating our 'Three Pigs' stories. 

Painting was s lot of fun too! We're learning how to paint with tempura paints. 

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Friday Highlights

At Kiwi Can we are learning to respect people even if they like different things to us. 

In Math we are practicing 1 less, 1 more, and 10 less and 10 more a given number.

Here are three great poem illustrations for this week's poem, 'The Three Pigs Rap'.

Here are some straw pipes and shakers we made this week. 

Rehearsing together

We practiced our items for fiafia night together with the other junior classes. We sound really good! 

Monday, 17 October 2016

Safety first

Before we go swimming we need to learn how to put on a life jacket. 

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Making instruments

Today we made some homemade instruments.

Some of us made straw panpipes. They make a soft, gentle sound. 

Some of us made maracas from plastic eggs filled with different kinds of beans. 

Tai found out that different beans make different sounds. 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Friday Highlights

At Kiwi Can we are learning about respect. 

We looked in the box and saw something very special!

During Math we got into groups and worked together to make the longest paper chain. 

This group counted 102 links in their chain!

We have been looking at pictures of rangoli patterns. We drew a rangoli-inspired design on a paper plate. We will paint them next week. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Some of our friends wrote some great narrative stories this week...


We use a 100 chart to help us learn numbers before & after. 

Monday, 10 October 2016

Maori instruments

We are learning about Maori instruments. We watched some videos of people playing some wind instruments. Sam said they looked like flutes. Maima said that the sound was made by blowing into them. 

We made an instrument called a porotiti which makes a gentle sound when it spins. 


We cut up pictures of the activities we usually do at school each day then put them in order. We talked about what is before/after. 

Narrative writing

This is the narrative story we wrote together yesterday. The trickiest part was thinking about a way to resolve the 'problem'!